Guide to Getting Started with Klaviyo for Ecommerce Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the fundamental pillars of e-commerce marketing. While there are ways to use email opt-ins for acquisition, email is considered more of a retargeting and retention channel for ecommerce. The Email Marketing Process & the Buyer’s Journey Here’s how the process usually works: Alternatively, and more commonly, you might start email […]

The Most Important Email Marketing Metrics for Ecommerce

Revenue per email subscriber along with MoM Email list growth rate gives you an accurate view of your email marketing. Just like we measure revenue per website visitor, we can measure the revenue per email subscriber. We’re now getting into each marketing channel as the website metrics are broader since that includes all your ecommerce […]

Essential Email Marketing Setup for Your Ecommerce Store

Email is a great channel for retargeting and retention. And there is no better tool for eCommerce email marketing than Klaviyo. I love specialized tools that are built for specific industries because their focus reflects on their quality. I recommend and use only Klaviyo for eCommerce email marketing. The only other email marketing tool I use […]